Raphael Jocham
Design for Interaction and Digital Media.
Google Earth View A collection of the most striking and enigmatic landscapes available in Google Earth. The Earth can be explored through the magnificent colors of satellite images. This project was awarded with the Webby Award for the ”Best User Experience“ 2018.

Trufi App A mobile non-profit app for public transport in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Designed for the people and visitors of Cochabamba to facilitate the use of buses, micros and trufis.

MDR Climate Map A mobile first website that shows the climate change in Central Germany. Exploring the period from 1961 to 2085, one gets an idea of how the climate can change. Corresponding articles can be seen on the time scale.

Ubilabs A specialist for interactive maps. Represented on conferences through unique marketing materials. An interactive Christmas surprise is published every year. Here an animation is simulated by simply superimposing two images.
visit christmas card
visit christmas card

Fragment Newspaper is a newspaper concept where the buyer, according to his taste, can put together his personal newspaper. The fragments: Economy, politics, society, sport, magazine, travel and culture can be combined according to interests or current topics.

2019 – present | UI/UX Designer at «W3 digital brands» |
2019 – 2020 | Art Director Digital at «Schindler Parent» |
2016 – 2019 | UI/UX Designer at «Ubilabs GmbH» |
2013 – 2016 | Junior Art Director at «Agentur Punktlandung GmbH» (freelancer) |
2013 – 2016 | Freelancer as Communications Designer |
2011 – 2015 | Bachelor of Arts in «Kommunikationsdesign» (visual communication) |
2011 – 2012 | Quality assurance at «neveling.net GmbH» |
2010 – 2011 | Internship at «Gute Ausssicht GmbH» |
2005 – 2009 | Apprenticeship as a car mechanic |
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